
Maritime Americas Award 2023

With great enthusiasm and pride, we share the exciting news that our TCSA headquarters, in collaboration with Transportadora Callao, has been awarded the prestigious Maritime Americas Award 2023. This recognition has been granted in the distinguished category of Competitive Digitalization during the ceremony organized by the Organization of American States' Inter-American Committee on Ports in June.

At #Tramarsa, we continuously commit to developing innovative tools for real-time control and security, as well as streamlining all information related to the service to port vessels. This achievement is a compelling testimony to our dedication to excellence and leadership in the maritime industry.

This recognition not only highlights the dedication and hard work of our team at TCSA and Transportadora Callao but also validates our vision to provide cutting-edge solutions that drive efficiency and safety in the maritime sector.

This recognition not only highlights the dedication and hard work of our team at TCSA and Transportadora Callao but also validates our vision to provide cutting-edge solutions that drive efficiency and safety in the maritime sector.